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Steden Works Acquires MALEFiC Wares

R.A. Stern

Dear Malefic Customers, Friends, and Supporters, Thank you for your continued interest in the work Andrea started in 2017. We have received dozens of emails each week and the continued interest in film photography is wonderful to see. I’m pleased to announce Steden Works has acquired all MALEFiC Wares intellectual property. Steden Works is a small mom and pop company run by avid film photographers and dedicated to supporting the community with a likeminded vision to Andrea. You may have noticed some changes around the site and our social media accounts as we have begun transitioning everything. As most of you probably know already, Andrea announced in September that he was unable to continue making cameras. I immediately reached out to him and by the end of October we had an agreement in place to save the cameras and continue his work. With that said, I’d like to address a few of the most likely questions with as much transparency as possible.

What does this mean for MALEFiC Wares?

We will continue to produce Andrea’s original designs under the trade name Malefic Cameras. The biggest change is all production will take place in the United States. We are also working on ideas and plans for additional products beyond what was previously offered.

When can you order cameras?

As soon as we are ready. Production must be setup anew, on new machines, and some of the original materials from Europe are not equally or economically available in the United States. We are working through these issues presently. What I can share is that we will re-introduce the cameras one model at a time. Which model is first has not been decided, and we have been keeping a very close eye on all the requests that have come in.

How does this impact non-US customers?

Sales regulations in the US differ significantly from those in other countries and moving production to the US subjects us to different requirements than in Italy. We are working on the changes and trying to minimize impact to non-US customers. We know for certain shipping costs will be higher to non-US customers than from Italy. Fortunately 3D printing keeps total weight down.

In the meantime we hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season, and look forward to providing cameras again. Sincerely, R.A. Stern Owner Steden Works

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